Timed Reading
Click the START below when you are ready to read. Then click the FINISH
button when you finish reading. I will tell you your reading time.
Pulsa sobre la palabra START de abajo cuando est�s preparad@ para leer o cantar la
siguiente canci�n.. Cuando hayas terminado pulsa sobre FINISH y el ordenador te dir� el
tiempo que has empleado y las palabras le�das por minuto.
Live the music, live the music, live the music.LIVE THE MUSIC
If you are very sad today and you want to change your face,
sing a happy song today, today,
dancing and playing with your friends,
be positive and share your happiness.
Live the music, live the music, live the music.
Exercise Copyright � -
1999 by Francisco G�mez Gonz�lez
Music Copyright � - 1999 by Isabel Mart�nez e
Isabel G�mez
Programaci�n y Compilaci�n:
Francisco G�mez Gonz�lez
E-Mail:Cursos a Distancia Homologados en Internet
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