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What's the weather like ? (Melody: "From Patch 2") What's the weather like? What's the weather like? Is it windy? Windy, Windy Is is Sunny? Sunny, Sunny Is it Cloudy? Cloudy, Cloudy Is it raining? Raining, Raining. What's the weather? What's the weather?
What's the weather like today? (Melody: "Oh my Darling Clementine") What's the weather? What's the weather? What's the weather like today? Tell us (nombre del niño/a), What's the weather? What's the weather like today?
Is it sunny? (Mantener las manos por encima de la cabeza formando un círculo) Is it cloudy? (Cubrir los ojos con las manos) Is it rainy out today? (Mover los dedos hacia abajo) Is it snowy? (Titiritar hacienda temblar los brazos alrededor del cuerpo) Is it windy? (Mover los brazos como si fueran ramas de los árboles) What's the weather like today?
The wind is blowing all around, (Melody: "Mary had a little lamb") The wind is blowing all around, All around, all around. The wind is blowing all around, All around the air.
It is Raining (Melody: "Frère Jacques") It is raining, It is raining, On my head, on my head. Pitter, patter raindrops, Pitter, patter raindrops, I'm all wet, I'm all wet!
Look out the Window (Melody: "Frère Jacques") What's the weather, what's the weather, On this (Monday), On this (Monday)? Let's look out the window, Let's look out the window? It is (Sunny), It is (Sunny). Reemplazar ( ) por la palabra adecuada.
It is raining (Melody: "Frère Jacques") It is raining, It is raining, Can't go out, Can't go out. We'll have break inside, We'll have break inside. And have fun, and have fun.
The Wind is Blowing (Melody: "Mary had a little lamb") The wind is blowing all around, All around, all around. The wind is blowing all around, All around the town.
Rain on my Umbrella (Melody: "Frère Jacques") Drip, drip, drop, drop, Drip, drip, drop, drop, Drip, drip, drop, Drip, drip, drop. Rain on my Umbrella, Rain on my umbrella, Never stops. Drip, drip, drop.
It's raining, it's pouring; (Traditional Rhyme) It's raining, it's pouring; The old man is snoring. He went to bed and he Bumped his head And he couldn't get up in the morning.
Rainbow Colours (Melody: "Hush, Little Baby") Rainbow purple, rainbow blue Rainbow green and yellow, too Rainbow orange, rainbow red Rainbow smiling overhead.
Come and count the colours with me How many colours can you see? One, two, three, down to green, Four, five, six can be seen
Rainbow purple, rainbow blue, Rainbow green and yellow, too. Rainbow orange, rainbow red, Rainbow smiling overhead.