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También podemos consultar la traducción y pronunciación de cualquier palabra utilizando el traductor online que nos ofrece LINGRO.COM. Pulsa ESTA VENTANA EMERGENTE para abrir una ventana emergente y AQUÍ para acceder desde una página normal.
Good Job (Melody: “Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye”) Na na na na, (Twist.) Na na na na, (Twist.) Hey hey-ey, (Mover los brazos sobre la cabeza de un lado para otro) Good job! (Clap.) GOOD JOB! (Esta canción la enseño y la bailo a mis alumnos para dar la enhorabuena a alguien por cualquier razón, cumpleaños, una actividad bien realizada...)
70 Ways To Say "Good Job!"
You've got it made. You're on the right track now! You are very good at that. I'm happy to see you working like that. You're doing a good job. That's the best you've ever done. I knew you could do it. Now you've figured it out. Now you have it! GREAT! You make it look easy. That's the right way to do it. You're getting better every day. SENSATIONAL! That's the way to do it. Best yet. PERFECT! TERRIFIC! Much better! You've just about mastered that! You did that very well. FANTASTIC! You're really improving. SUPERB! Keep it up! TREMENDOUS! Good thinking! I'm very proud of you. I think you've got it now. You figured that out fast. That's really nice. CLEVER! That's great! You've done a great job. Congratulations, you got it right That's GOOD! GOOD WORK! I'm proud of the way you worked today. You're really working hard today. THAT'S IT! Congratulations! . You are doing that much better today. You're learning fast. Good for you! Couldn't have done it better myself. You did it that time! That's the way! SUPER DUPER! You haven't missed a thing. Keep up the good work. Nothing can stop you now! EXCELLENT! FINE! Wonderful! That's better than ever. I appreciate your hard work. Now that's what I call a fine job! You must have been practicing! You're doing beautifully. Right on! You're doing fine. You are really learning a lot. You outdid yourself today! SPLENDID! Good going!