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Quiet Down again (Melody: "London Bridge") Let us quiet down again, down again, down again. Let us quiet down again, That's much better.
Put your finger over your lip (Melody: "If You're Happy and You Know It") Put your finger over your lip like this, Put your finger over your lip like this Close your mouth with a zip, Put your finger over your lip, Put your finger over your lip like this. Shhhhhhhhhhhh (a esta canción le añadimos los gestos y movimientos)
Point to the window (Rhyme) ( Point to the window Point to the door Point to the ceiling Point to the floor Point to your elbow Point to your knee Point to you and point to me. (al final los tengo a todos con la atención centrada en mi)
Are you listening (Melody “Frere Jacques”) Are you listening, are you listening? Boys and girls, boys and girls? It is time to listen, it is time to listen Boys and girls, boys and girls. (En lugar de time to listen podemos decir it is time to sit down, to clean up…)
We are waiting (Melody: “Frere Jacques”) We are waiting, we are waiting for our friends, for our friend To be quiet, to be quiet Quiet now, quiet now.
Hush, Shhh Quiet please (Melody: Row Row Row your boat) Hush, Shhh (los dedos a los labios) Quiet please let's all gather near Find a friend and sit right down Circle time is here.
Call to Circle Time (Rhyme) 1, 2, 3, 4 Put your bottom on the floor 5, 6, 7, 8 Eyes forward back straight!
Rest Time (Melody: “Frère Jacques”) When it's rest time, when it's rest time Rest your head, sleepy head Rest your head my children Rest your head my children Rest your head, sleepy head (Versos adicionales: Rest your arms, Rest your legs, Rest your feet, Rest your eyes)
Two much noise (Rhyme) Swish, swish, swish. Too much noise. Can you help me, Girls and boys? Swish, swish, swish. Swish some more. Swish that noise Right out the door. Sustituye: crunch, buzz, beep or splash.
Stop, Look, and Listem (Medlody:”The Farmer in the Dell”) Stop, look, and listen. Stop, look, and listen. When it's time to do your work, Stop, look, and listen.